Salesforce Data Modelling & Application Implementation

by :Aslam Bari 


Hi All,

As a regular practice we organize “Let’s Code Together” session at iBirds Software Services Pvt. Ltd. time to time. This Saturday (21 Sep, 2019), we had seminar on Data Modelling and Application Implementation seminar on Salesforce. We chose the example of implementing a sample “Recruitment Application” in salesforce. We had the following case study before starting this seminar.

Recruitment App Case Study

‘Smart Job’ company needs their recruitment application on salesforce.

Admin / HR can perform following tasks

1.       Can create jobs

2.       View all jobs by different filters

3.       Can see all candidates

4.       Can see all applications

5.       Assign application to Interviewer for taking interview of the candidates

Interviewer can do following tasks

1.       Can see all jobs

2.       Cannot edit/create/delete jobs

3.       Can see applications only assigned to him

4.       Cannot see all candidates

5.       Can edit applications assigned to him few fields.

Candidate can do following tasks

1.       Can see all jobs

2.       Can apply for a particular job

3.       Can see all his/her applications

4.       Can delete / edit self-applications anytime

5.       Can apply only after login

6.       Can upload CV

7.       Candidates cannot see each other data

Guest user can do following tasks

1.       Can see all jobs

2.       Cannot apply on jobs

It was great get together session. Here is the recording for the seminar.



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